more revenue

and cash

with Synergist E-commerce

  • Unlock profit with premium post-purchase offers

popular offers

  • Citibank credit card offers that delight customers with rich bonus offers

  • Easy integration

    Integrate in minutes using our Shopify app.

    Or include our short script in your order confirmation page header or footer.

  • No Hassle

    Synergist takes care of everything so you earn additional revenue with little to no effort.

    No operational expense, COGS, just pure profit and cash flow.

    We handle all the interactions with our bank partners to ensure compliance with regulations and to iterate on offer design and customization.

  • Effective

    Get paid up to $200 for every order.

    Consumers are 7x more likely to engage with offers post-purchase.

    Consumers spend 20% more for 3 months.

    We use machine learning algorithms to show the best offer for each person.

Trusted by innovative brands and major banks

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