We are passionate about maintaining choice and independent e-commerce

We do this by helping you increase cash flow and profits per order. 

While working at JPMorgan Chase, we were inspired by airlines and hotels that generate more profits from credit cards than from their core products. That led to us asking the question: “why can’t the thousands of e-commerce stores that don’t have co-brand cards generate similar profits using rewards cards that already have universal and broad appeal?”

Most people don’t realize that over 30 millions credit cards are already opened every year in the USA. We believe e-commerce is a much better channel than existing ones like direct mail. The context is relevant, since cards are used to shop and the sign up bonus offers are the most relevant when someone has just spent money and realizes the value of those offers.

We have over 50 years of collective experience in financial technology, marketing and credit card offers. This allows us to navigate the complexities of working with the banks so that the solution is just turnkey for your e-commerce store. The rigor required by our experience in bank technology allowed us to build an extremely stable and scalable platform with strong safeguards in place.

Steven Aller, CEO, Founder

Steven grew up in London, England and came to the USA to attend Princeton University. He then attended MIT Sloan for his MBA after working at Citibank. He has over 15 years experience working at banks, and management consulting and has focused his career on innovation in user experience and data science.

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